Number 5

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La revista Glosas celebra el quincuagésimo aniversario de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española con un nuevo número, un número doble, de carácter extraordinario como merece este aniversario. Y, con más motivo, pues son de sobra conocidas las adversidades que la lengua española sufre en este país. Frente a todas estas vicisitudes, Glosas se erige como un faro, un ariete, que ilumina la vida del español y lo defiende de todos los embates que lo amenazan. Es por todo ello, por lo que este número supone celebración, gozo y esperanza.

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US Spanish, Mock Spanish and epistemic injustice

In this article I analyze the relationship between linguistic ideologies about US Spanish, Mock Spanish, and epistemic injustice (Fricker 2007). Epistemic injustice is a form of discrimination that specifically undermines the agency of the “other” as a subject of knowledge. Mock Spanish is a register of American English that contains distorted or parodied elements of Spanish and is used for superficially expressive and humorous purposes but is covertly racist (Hill 1995a, 1995b, 1998 and 2008). I argue that the conceptualization of Spanish arising from linguistic prejudice, which Mock Spanish comes from and reinforces, reflects the underlying logic of words such as barbarian, the stuttering stranger who speaks an incomprehensible and uncivilized language, a sign of ignorance and cognitive deficit, traits that are incompatible with epistemic practices. The mocking of language, the raw material of discourse —including epistemic discourse— becomes by indexical relationship a covert form of devaluation of its speakers, represented as collectively lacking the adequate communication (and possibly by extension intellectual) tools to make sense of their experience (hermeneutical injustice, Fricker 2007). On the other hand, as a result of this lack of comprehension or of the lack of credibility associated with the Spanish language, regarded as unfit for public usage, even when individuals will have the opportunity to express themselves in a testimonial exchange, their word will be questioned (testimonial injustice, Fricker 2007).

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Perspectives on anglicisms in Spanish in RAE’s social networks

Anglicisms are gaining more and more importance in the present globalized world, due to the power associated with the English language. In Spanish, an increasing number of words coming from English are appearing and these might be included in the language exactly as they are or they might be more or less adjusted to the Spanish norms. However, it is thought by some intellectuals that such a massive presence of English terms may represent a threat to Spanish, considered that it might lead to a loss in lexical richness. The Real Academia Española, despite the fact that it doesn’t totally reject the use of anglicisms in everyday language, warns the users against the dangers that an excessive usage of these terms might imply. This work aims at presenting a first analysis of the activity by the Real Academia Española on social media (Twitter and Instagram) regarding those anglicisms of major diffusion nowadays to verify what type of attitude is manifested towards them.

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Diversity and inclusion: towards a pluricentric approach in the Spanish as a foreign language classroom in Italy

This article integrates theoretical and practical approaches with the purpose of examining essential aspects in the field of teaching and learning Spanish as a foreign language (E/LE). Initially, quantitative data is presented that outlines the current panorama of Spanish, highlighting its pluricentrism and its healthy state. From an international perspective, the importance is emphasized for Italian-speaking E/LE students to develop early familiarity with the diatopic aspects of American Spanish. This consideration is grounded in both their potential career success and the opportunity to attain a deeper understanding of the diversity and cultural richness intrinsic to the concept of Hispanidad. With this purpose in mind, specific didactic suggestions are proposed to address the various diatopic manifestations in the classroom. These recommendations encompass phonetics, morphosyntax, and lexicon, with the intention of broadening students’ understanding of linguistic variation. Finally, a sample of didactic activities is offered to consolidate the acquisition of distinctive features of American Spanish - with a focus on the one spoken in Argentina - encouraging student participation and their immersion in the linguistic and cultural diversity of the language.

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Winter will come

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Interferences in translating English to Spanish

As a translator and proofreader, this proposal is intended to reflect on how to carry out our tasks in view of the surprising fact that the United States is one of the territories with the largest Spanish-speaking community in the world. Thus, it is essential to translate and proofread considering the variety of US Spanish conglomerating the varieties of Latin America crossed by the English language. The task consists of distinguishing between positive and negative lexical or morphosyntactic transfers according to the text’s linguistic, sociocultural, and functional framework to be translated or corrected. In addition to this, as translators and proofreaders, we need to know the different translation theories that address translation studies, which will help us to be able to base our interventions depending on the translation theory we follow at the moment of translating or proofreading translated text.

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Traces and Evidence of the Attitudes towards Anglicisms in the Hispanic Lexicographic Tradition

The cross-linguistic lexical influence of English on various varieties of Spanish, such as Mexican, Chilean, and Peninsular Spanish, is intricately linked to factors such as cross-border interactions, commercial ties, and historical connections. However, when considering a variety of Spanish that has experienced prolonged coexistence with English, the Spanish spokean in the United States stands out. This variety has been officially recognized in the 23rd edition of the Diccionario de la lengua española (DLE) (2014), as evidenced by the inclusion of the term “estadounidismo.” While this recognition marked a significant step toward acknowledging the linguistic diversity of Spanish, it raises a crucial question: how can we ensure that this emerging variety, in what is already considered the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in the world—namely, the United States—receives greater visibility? In this article, I propose to delve into the cross- linguistic lexical influence of English on Spanish, exploring it from historical and ideological perspectives through the study of the attitudes toward Anglicisms in the Hispanic lexicographic tradition. As we will see, recognizing US Spanish in the primary lexicographic repository of the language remains a pending task well into the 21st century. This endeavor should not merely continue the work initiated in the 23rd edition of the DLE but also reflect the demographic and cultural significance of this variety, serving as a testament to the linguistic identity of yet another community of Spanish speakers.

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United States, a nation carved by the Hispanic U.S. sociolinguist: an approach from Luis Alberto Ambroggio’s book, The Hispanic United States: Deeply Woven into the Nation’s Tapestry

This work is an analysis from the book of Luis Alberto Ambroggio, The United States Hispanics, that aims to interpret the substantial historical research of the book nuanced with observations of the Hispanic American culture of the author that throw a current sociolinguistic perspective that looks panoramically towards the nation, in its entirety. Through the last decades, the multicolored and multifaceted tapestry that has woven and shaped the Hispanic population in the United States has sealed its presence in a forceful way, a rich and growing presence. It is important appretiating the Hispanic impact on the arts, literature, painting, music, dance and all cultural expressions that has enriched the nation and has given it a unique peculiarity that transcends borders. The sociolinguistic value of “Hispanic America” leaves in the inkwell the presence of our peoples whose legacy transcends geopolitics, races, and cultures enriching the entire nation by giving it a unique profile that turns the nation into Hispanic United States, finally impregnated in the Spanish language as the greatest cultural expression in the United States. Own spaces are envisioning such as a Hispanic museum, and many other outcomes from the Hispanic presence; the indisputable, growing, and authentic identity that originates The Hispanic United States.

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Representations of U.S. culture in the Dictionary of the Spanish Language

Starting with a brief sociolinguistic description of the situation of Spanish in the United States, this article aims to discuss the representations of the presence of the Hispanic population in the United States in the Diccionario de la lengua Española. A brief distinction will first be made between lexical entries including meanings that are marked “EE. UU.” and those in which there is a mention of the Hispanos or Latinos reality in the definitions themselves, by using the words “Estados Unidos” or “estadounidense”. Then, two lexemes of special interest will be examined to understand the representations of American culture in the same dictionary: “latino” and “hispano”. Thereafter, it will be shown that the dictionary and grammar are not a sufficient tool to learn a second or foreign language, and that the role of the teacher of Spanish in the United States is key to foster critical analysis of the students.

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Publishing criteria

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