Number 3

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Este nuevo número de Glosas reúne diferentes artículos que abarcan diversos campos de la lengua y de la lingüística españolas. En ellos encontraremos el mundo hispánico declinado de diferentes formas, pero todas remisibles al vasto mundo de la lengua.

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Caras viejas y vino nuevo, a metonymy of the barrio

The article addresses metonymy as a pervasive feature in the style of “Caras viejas y vino nuevo” (1975), the first novel by Chicano writer Alejandro Morales (Montebello, CA, 1944). The perspective adopted is the cognitive linguistic approach applied to tropes. It is argued that metonymic thinking structures not only the numerous lexical metonymies present in the text but also activates complex figuration in interaction with metaphor and it is also operative at grammar level. The resulting stylistic and discursive effects are dehumanization, deliberate vagueness, subjectivism, discursive coherence and even euphemism.

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That space, that crossing: Between both folds:

This poem is a text written from two essays published in Glosas (“Neobaroque Spanglish”, Glosas, vol. 9, n. 10, pp. 70-75, 2021 and “Borderlines Passages: (Latino)America between Neobaroque and Spanglish”, Glosas, vol. 10, n. 2, pp 31-42, 2022) on Spanglish and Neo-baroque: is a poem that draws a space and a crossing of what could be called a writing between borders or a writing that crosses borders and the concepts of nation (culture, identity, language) through a language that lives in its folds and interstices, in its interferences and confluences: a poetic language that is a deployment of that space, that intersection, those folds of the becoming of (Latin)AMERICA.

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The Path of the Spanish Language Teaching and Its Literature towards North America

This article addresses, from a general point of view, how Spanish language teaching and its inherent cultural knowledge has been growing in the United States during the last century. First, a brief introduction is provided starting from a historic overview from its beginning in Europe until its wider development in America. Likewise, special attention is paid towards the creation, edition and use of literary works specially designed for their use in class and also on the important effect that these materials have had, and keep having, on the US students of Spanish and their cultural perception of the Hispanic people.

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Outline of interculture and non-verbal communication in Spanish as a foreign language (L2 Spanish)

In this work we want to underline the importance of the intercultural component and the non-verbal component in a foreign language class, in our case Spanish language. Foreign language teachers have realized that it is essential, in an increasingly multicultural and intercultural society, to include in their classes references to the non-verbal aspects used by the speakers of the languages they teach, as well as the emotions that are expressed through the non-verbal channel so that the communication is complete and without misunderstandings. The teacher must be aware of the diversity of the non-verbal signals of the cultures through which s/he mediates, in order to help the dialogue between the parties and prevent the formation of conflicts of a non-verbal nature.

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The teaching of Spanish pronunciation in the United States (1811-1910), by María Ángeles García Aranda

This review aims to publicize the new work by Professor María Ángeles García Aranda on the history of the teaching of the pronunciation of the Spanish language in the United States during the 19th century. To do this, 53 different titles have been studied and compared with each other. The conclusions highlight the importance given to the description of this aspect of the Spanish language and the different approaches that the analyzed textual series offers to the teaching of Spanish pronunciation.

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What the posters tell us

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Publishing criteria

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