
Glosas is an academic and scientific journal (e-ISSN: 2327-7181) specialized in the study and analysis of Spanish in and of the United States, and of all topics related to this field.

Latest number:

Number 6, Volume 10

Glosas is published twice a year (in March and September). To be considered for publication, contributions (articles about the Spanish language “in and of” the United States, as well as reflections on related issues, bilingualism and /or diglossia in the United States, varieties in the Spanish language, etc.) submitted for favorable review by a double-blind peer review must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be written in Spanish
  2. Be original
  3. Not have been previously shared or disseminated online
  4. Not have been submitted or offered simultaneously to other publications

Double-blind peer review:

In order to be published, contributions must be favorably evaluated by two external anonymous reviewers. Glosas will have recourse to a third reviewer in cases wherein a wider consensus is needed.

Open access:

Glosas offers immediate and open access to its contents and to full texts. Free access to research results fosters a greater exchange of knowledge on a global scale.