Number 4
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Fiel a su cita, como siempre, la revista Glosas presenta su nuevo número de marzo 2023; un nuevo ejemplar tan interesante y necesario como una publicación de su prestigio requiere. Además, añadiría yo, en esta ocasión el alcance, la profundidad de sus artículos, su rigor, merecen ser especialmente resaltados.
The rise of teaching Spanish as a foreign language in Italy: advantages and challenges
Despite popular belief and the strong and long-lasting relationship between the two countries, the history of teaching Spanish as a foreign language in Italy is relatively recent. In the last 20 years, luckily, the demand for Spanish as a foreign language in Italy has increased significantly, also thanks to its inclusion in the educational system. In this article, in addition to presenting data showing the didactic success and the rising demand in Italy, I aim to dispel some myths that for too long have affected Italians’ perception about the alleged ease of acquiring Spanish. Aware of the fact that linguistic affinity can be both a bridge and a barrier for Italian students learning Spanish, I will focus on some differences between these two languages, in terms of vocabulary, encouraging a dynamic way of learning. Based on a project currently under development, this contribution combines personal experience as a Spanish as a foreign language (E/LE) teacher in Italy and observations on studies on interlingua and cognate languages learning, including Calvi (1995; 1997; 2004) and Bailini (2016; 2018).
Anglicisms in Mexico City and Monterrey: a variationist study
This work aims to fill the lack of relevant information regarding the social distribution, vitality and frequency of anglicisms in Mexican Spanish. The research focuses on the idiom of two Mexican cities (Monterrey and Mexico City, respectively in the North and in the Center of the country) and is based on real linguistic data, collected through field work. Based on these data, from a variationist sociolinguistic perspective, correlations between social and linguistic phenomena are identified. In particular, the hypothesis that the Northern variety, geographically closer to the United States, is more Anglicized is supported by the collected data. Factors influencing the use of anglicisms also include the speaker’s age, socioeconomic class, and level of knowledge of the English language.
PDF (0.64 MB)Passages Between Borders
This poem is a text written from two essays and one poem published in Glosas on Spanglish and Neo-baroque: is a new poem that draws a new space and crossing of what could be called a writing between borders or a writing that crosses borders. Spanglish as a linguistic creation is enriched in its intertwining with Neobaroque: it reaches its emphasis when it crosses itself. In fact, the presence of Spanglish is illuminated somewhat in chiaroscuro under the intense light of NeoBaroque. Certainly, the crossing of both experiences of human language shines in all brightness and fall, in all light and shadow, monuments and ashes. We are dealing with a new instability about the concepts of nation (culture, identity, language) through a language that lives in its folds and interstices, in its interferences and confluences: a poetic language between borders.
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